Arm Pain Treatment

Chiropractic Care for Arm Pain

Arm Pain ChiropraCtic Care

Are you suffering from lingering pain in your arms? Regardless if it’s your shoulder area, upper arm, elbow, forearm, or wrist, this can be debilitating. Your arms have a major function for your body, and it’s important to keep them working properly. Luckily, chiropractic care can help.

Our team specializes in finding the underlying cause of your arm pain, and building a treatment plan to get you feeling great again. You don’t have to live with pain in your arms. Chiropractic care is the solution!

Find The Root Cause

Get to the bottom of what’s causing your arm and leg pain so we can build a plan to get you feeling great again.

Custom Care Plan

We’ll help build you a plan of action to get your pain under control and getting you and your body feeling 100%.

Preventative Care

If needed, we’ll establish preventative measures to keep your problem from coming back so you can stay healthy.

Chiropractor for Arm Pain

Did you know that it is possible to relieve arm pain without taking medications? Don’t let those pesky aches and pains keep you down. Book your appointment and we’ll help get rid of those arm problems!

Arm Pain Treatment

Many people experience major pain relief from their arm pain with chiropractic care. Using our gentle adjusting techniques, we can help you escape the pain and get back to feeling great again. Book an appointment now to schedule a time with our team and say goodbye to arm pain for good.

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Get started on your path to optimal health today.

Chiropractic Care for Arm Pain

Arm and shoulder pain is a common issue that people deal with throughout their life. Most feel taking medications or even surgery are their only options to help it heal. However, Chiropractic care is an amazing avenue to naturally heal the underlying cause of your arm pain. Arm pain, specifically, can arise for a number of reasons. No matter what the root cause is, chiropractic care can help to alleviate the pain and restore your quality of life.

One of the benefits of chiropractic care is that it is a non-invasive treatment option. This means that it doesn’t involve surgery or medication which can often have unwanted side effects. Our chiropractic team will work to correct any misalignments in your spine and musculoskeletal system that may be causing your arm pain. By doing a full evaluation and finding the root cause for your arm pain, our Chiropractors can help solve the underlying issue and get you back to optimal health.

Common Arm Pain Issues

There are a lot of reasons you could be experiencing pain in your arms. It could be from lifting something heavy, falling, bumping into something, twisting it funny, or a whole lot of other reasons. Common causes of persistent arm pain include:


This is a condition that involves inflammation of the joints. It is often very painful and can make it difficult to move your arms.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This is a condition that affects the wrists and is caused by pressure on the median nerve. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in your arm.


This is a condition that causes inflammation of the bursa, which is a fluid-filled sac that helps reduce friction between tissues. This can cause pain and swelling in your arm.


This is an inflammation of the tendon, which connects muscle to bone. It can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in your arm.

Constant overuse

A lot of repetitive motions with your arm can lead to pain in your arm, shoulder, and other joints in your body.

Poor posture

When you’re slouching, it can cause your muscles and joints to work harder than they should, leading to pain. Maintaining good posture is key to preventing arm pain and other health issues.

Golfer’s elbow / Tennis elbow

Golfer’s elbow and Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the muscle to the bone in the elbow area. It is often caused by repetitive motions with your arm and can be very painful.

Rotator cuff

A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that helps lift your arm. When these muscles and tendons become injured, it can be very painful and difficult to move your arm.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a condition that causes stiffness and pain in your shoulder. It is often caused by overuse or injury and can make it difficult to move your arm.

Regardless of the reason that you’re experiencing arm pain, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractors will work to correct any misalignments in your spine and musculoskeletal system that may be causing your arm pain. By doing a full evaluation and finding the root cause for your arm pain, Chiropractors can help solve the underlying issue and get you back to optimal health.

How Chiropractor Treat Arm & Shoulder Pain

Our chiropractors specializes in spinal and musculoskeletal health. We work to keep your vertebrae and joints aligned properly. Your vertebrae protect your nervous system. Even small misalignments can cause major pressure on your nerves and cause lots of health issues throughout your body. Your arm is also a very mobile extremely that can easily experience pain and discomfort from everyday use.

Chiropractic care helps keep your spine and extremities strong and healthy so you can continue to live pain-free. Chiropractors will often use a combination of therapies to help treat arm and shoulder pain, including:


An adjustment is the most common chiropractic treatment. It is when we adjust your spine back into alignment. This helps relieve pressure on your nerves and allows your body to heal properly.

Manual manipulation

This is when we use our hands to manipulate your joints and muscles to help them move better. This can help increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Therapeutic exercises

Exercising regularly is important for keeping your body healthy. When you’re experiencing arm pain, it’s even more important to make sure you’re doing exercises that will help reduce the pain and discomfort.

Get Arm Pain Treatment

We don’t want you to live in pain. If you’re suffering from arm pain, don’t hesitate to give chiropractic care a try. It may be just what you need to start feeling better. It’s a noninvasive, natural way to heal the aches and pains in your arms and more.

Contact our chiropractic team here to book your appointment and get started with your care today!

Meet Dr. Gregory Bernard

Meet Dr. Kyle Cress

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